Congratulations to Mr Manish Kumar(Assessor) on successfully passing our internal quality exam.

The assessors are the core strength of an assessment agency, continuous learning and updations about industry demands are one of the critical qualities required by the assessors and team. Glad to see that our quality team has started the Quality & Employability test among our assessors and recognises their achievement by issuing the merit certificate. Being an NCVET-accredited assessment agency,​we shall keep imparting suitable methods to improve ourselves.​

We would like to extend my sincerest congratulations to Mr Manish Kumar on successfully passing our internal quality exam. It is not an easy feat, but you have proven that your skills and knowledge are exemplary.

Your dedication and commitment towards excellence are truly admirable. You have consistently exhibited a high level of proficiency and professionalism that reflects well on our organization. Your hard work and perseverance have undoubtedly paid off, and we are proud to have you as part of our team.

Please know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Your performance has been exceptional, and we appreciate all that you do for our company. Your contributions are integral to our success, and we could not have achieved this without you.

Once again, congratulations on your achievement. You truly deserve this recognition and appreciation. Keep up the great work #SkillIndia#skilllkerala

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